
RLadies Victoria, BC Chapter - Founded on May 2018

View the Project on GitHub RLadiesVicBC/meetups

Overview of R-Ladies Victoria, BC


R-Ladies is a worldwide organization whose mission is to promote gender diversity in the R community.


Leadership roles within R-Ladies chapters, particularly Organizer and Mentor roles, are to be held by women and gender minorities. The term “women and gender minorities” is inclusive of individuals who identify as female (trans and cis), trans-men, non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, agender, intersex, and all minority genders.


Provision of FREE events based on a combination of volunteering and funding/sponsorship where available.
There are no commercial agendas, chapters are started by individuals, not by companies.

R-Ladies Global is registered as California-based non-profit corporation, run by the Global Leadership team.

Web presence

-Twitter: @RLadiesVicBC

How to get involved?

-Support with venue or funding for food and beverages for the meetups
-Recommend a talk, seminar, or interested speakers
-Support the meetups through teaching your knoweldge and skills, either leading a workshop or mentoring
-Join RLadiesVicBC organizing team

Meetups for RLadies Victoria, BC

Please answer this survey to best help us in deciding topics for our meetup group.